Fasting-like diet turns the immune system against cancer fasting-like diet with chemotherapy strips away the guard that protects breast cancer and skin cancer cells from the immune system, according to a new USC-led study on mice. The study was published in the journal Cancer Cell on July 11, days after BMC Cancer published a separate study showing that a pilot trial of the three-day, fasting-like diet was “safe and feasible” for 18 cancer patients on chemotherapy. *************************** Here is a story if one man's experience, over coming cancer without chemo, with diet and fasting..... CHRIS CURED CANCER ************************** Fasting During Cancer Treatment. Is It Safe ? What is the reasoning behind fasting during cancer treatment? When someone fasts, healthy cells stop expending energy to grow and instead direct that energy to protect themselves. The theory behind fasting in cancer treatment is that cancer cells can’t st...
Why you should consider fasting... (Again i am not a doctor ir scientist. Just sharing from other sources, referenced and linked below) From Web MD "Fuhrman, who has supervised hundreds of patients' fasts for medicinal purposes, disagrees. "We know that the body is unable to rid itself of toxins when we eat a diet low in nutrients ," and that applies to most Americans, even those who think they are healthy, he says. "Americans eat 51% of their diet from processed foods and foods low in phytochemicals and antioxidants ," he says. "So you see a buildup of waste products in the cells -- AGE, advanced glycation end products -- that build up in cellular tissues and lead to atherosclerosis , aging, diabetes , nerve damage , and the deterioration of organs. This is basic science and physiology every doctor learns in medical school."..... "Fasting allows the body to most effectively remove these waste products," he says. "T...