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A Journal of my 40 Day Fast

            I will write other posts on the why, and how of extended fasting. This post is exclusively a journal of my journey.

TUESDAY, APRIL 25TH, 2017, 11:59 PM
            This is my official start. For the last three days I have been preparing for the journey by progressively eating less solid foods, citrus fruits, then just juice.
            From this point on, I will only drink water, lemon water, Himalayan sea salt, and an occasional bullion beef or chicken broth if feeling my electrolytes are off.

          I have installed a counter on my phone to help me keep track of days, and to give myself encouragement​.

           Day one. This is a breeze, not hungry, feeling driven and full of confidence. Not my first time fasting for a day or more, so i expect the first couple to be easy.

          Weight 215

THURSDAY, APRIL 27TH, 2017 11:30pm
            Day two. Today was also easy, mild hunger pains, but nothing severe. Remembering to drink enough water is actually the hardest part. I think im getting a little dehydrated, but will increase my water intake consciously.
            Have not decreased my daily duties. As a mother of 4 with a farm the house still needs cleaning, hay still needs getting. Children still need being fed...
            Got a detoxing massage, was lovely. Deep deep tissue, felt rather high afterwards... Plan another next week.

             Weight 214

FRIDAY, APRIL 28TH, 2017, 11:30PM
             Day three. Definitely a little dehydrated. Slight dizziness when first standing. Went for a walk with a friend discussing fasting and detoxing. Its amazing how even those is the medical field woukd discourage extended fasting and would call it extreme... Please read my posts on why, how, and who should fast. And the science behind it all...coming soon...

              Drank a cup of beef broth at dinner time to help with hydration and electrolytes. Also starting to feel the toxins dump into my system. Head is icky, and I'm tired. Took a nap this afternoon.

            Weight 213

SATURDAY, APRIL 28TH, 2017, 11:30PM
           Day four. Today was much harder. Wanted to be sleeping it off, drank lots of water. But today was a family picnic, bbq at the park... Did lick my fingers of the salt from chips as I served up the kids.... Ohh how the food smelled good. But I stuck to my resolve.
            Explaining to extended family why I wasn't eating proved uncomfortable, as you don't argue with Grandma. And she was sure i was killing myself... The human fear to go without food is quite natural and deep rooted.
             Did find myself licking salt from my hand even when I got home. It felt good, and helped with the tired feelings.

             Weight 213

SUNDAY, APRIL 29TH, 2017, 11:30PM
              Day five.  Very tired today. Slept in until 10, legs feel weak, and moving is a head rush. Frequently dizzy. I just wanted to go back to bed.
              But today is Sunday, and we must gonto church. So I did.. sat in the pews. Partook of the sacrament. Oh the little crumb of bread was sweet! Reminded me of how sweet repentance is. I tried hard to stay awake for the three hours of church, and the drive home I was awake for though my limbs felt like rubber.
               Laid on the couch for the rest of the day, short tempered, and thirsty. Drank lots of water and licked salty lemon from my hand. This really helped a lot.
               Fell asleep on the couch a few times feeling almost drugged.

              Weight 212

MONDAY, MAY 1, 2017, 11:30PM
              Day six. Slept well. Woke up about 9am. Feeling pretty good. Almost no dizziness. Today was big grocery shopping day for the month.  And had to be in town early for kids square dancing.
               Shopping was faster than usual. I had a list in my mind. I got ehat was on it, and had little care to anything not on the list. Did my running around and came home and unloaded $600. Worth if groceries into the house. Mostly beans and rice in bulk that needed to go into buckets..
               Found myself enjoying cleaning up and organizing the food shelves. Made dinner for the kids. Mmm it looked good. My energy levels were such that i did not nap. And i felt great. Even now I'm not tired. My mind is not racing. Im calm. Just not tired.

              Weight 211

TUESDAY, MAY 2, 2017, 9:30PM
              Day seven.  Took a while to fall asleep, woke up at 6:30 having had a wonderful and deeply felt dream of an old love who passed away.  Lots of energy today. Spending most of my day in court as a witness. No headaches for the first half if the day. 4 hours testifying, and I have a stress headache... Muscles feel strong. My body temperature has risen a little as my face is slightly flush.

          I noticed my teeth don't bleed any more. My mental clarity while testifying of events from a year ago were astonishing. Though I did pray for help, and it is more likely God than fasting..

          I haven't pooped in a few days. But I dont feel sick or full or constipated. I plan to take some castor oil tomorrow just to make sure i am completely cleaned out. Dont want waste rotting... Farts are scary though when water fasting... Thats all im saying about that...

          Weight 209

WEDNESDAY, MAY 3, 2017. 9:00PM
           Day eight. Woke up this morning feeling great! Zero weakness. Zero fatigue. Happier in general, though did stress out a few times. Had wonderful lucid dreams. And was completely refreshed when I woke up.. got some castor oil... Glad i did.. took 6 hours.. possibly because I was busy. But there was obviously a lot in there... Bought an enema to clean out the otherside just in case... though it may not be necessary... I want to be completely clean...

           Bought a natural face cleaner and moisturizer from Burt's bees. For my face.. And some coconut oil for my body...

          Managed to get lots accomplished today. Weed eating, fence moved, horses moved about, fence panels moved, banking and shopping. Weeding the strawberries and raspberries plants... Trying tondecide where to plant my fruit trees i just bought...

Feeling great! Back does not hurt as much in general, wrist does not hurt as much... Excited and hopeful these years worth of pain and misery will go away eventually...from the fasting.....

          Weight 205, after castor oils effects

THURSDAY, MAY 4TH, 2017. 10:55PM
         Day nine. The depression is going away i think. I woke up this morning and actually felt like washing my face and brushing my hair in order to take care of me. Nit out of some obligation to care for me... Had a fight with spouse today, and i wasn't angry. I was able to stay calm and be firm.

          Got a detox massage, felt so good. My smeller is smelling even hints of things on the breeze. I wonder if that is why dogs like their heads out windows... So much to smell...

Went swimming, for 2 hours, felt good. Maybe​ a bit too.much as i felt tired. But not too tired to drive home and put horses away before thunderstorms came... Havnt weighed myself today but my pants are saggy :)

I have no cravings for anything. Not for food, or substance. I can enjoy the smell of foods and not desire it. I have complete control of what goes into me.

My mental clarity and creativity are starting to come back. I have a great idea im not telling.... I have decided today that i am going yo write every sin or wrong that comes to mind and repent of these things clearing my complete conscience and thrn partake if the sacrament renewing my baptism. And making myself clean spiritually.

FRIDAY, MAY 5th, 2017, 11:40pm
           Day Ten.  I am extremely peaceful today. Though i am upset about a relationship issue. I am not stressing over it, or feeling doom. It will be ok, regardless of the outcome.
            Court should have been frustrating today, her being put off again for another day after arriving, and arrangements made... But i was not, i was reasonable and understanding....
          I took a 2 mile walk home, and enjoyed the walk. Stopping frequently to enjoy the beauty around me. The lovely fragrant flowers, the cute houses. Beautiful majestic old trees. I took a lot of pictures.
        Took kids bowling. That was fun. Though my wrist didnt hurt, it was nit strong enough​ for anything but a light ball.. will need to strengthen my wrist. But at least it doesn't hurt...
          I am thinking very clearly. Still need to manage to figure out schedules and taking back control of my life. At least enough to get the kids educated and some ebay stuff done.
          Working on the sin list yesterday felt good, i worked on releasing past guilt.. i still have plenty more to work through.
          Tomorrow i am buying pigs i am taking back my desires for self sustained living. I can't wait til my green house is ready. I want to grow flowers and edibles..
         My energy was such that upon arriving at home at 8pm. I spent an hour weeding the potatoes, planting another pot of potato. And straightening my fruit trees.
         Despite my relationship woes. I love my life. And maybe I will know what to do and hiw to fix them too
        Weight 207

           Day eleven. Another beautiful day. Over 14k steps on fitbit. Reached out to my cousin yesterday, that i needed to seek forgiveness for, and we talked​ today. I am soo happy!
          Got pigs today. Worked hard most of the day. Definitely getting dehydrated. So I drank a cup of bullion..
         Weight 203 (weight fluctuations are likely water related)
